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What We Do in the Shadows (2014)

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First and foremost, our movie is a “vampire” movie—but these vampires are nothing like the ones you’re used to. Imagine vampires who search for “sunrise” on Google because they’ve never seen it before, or vampires who bicker like college roommates over whose turn it is to do the dishes piled up on the kitchen counter. As strange as it sounds, even though I found myself laughing hysterically throughout, there were a few moments where I got a little spooked and reflexively thought, “What’s happening here?” But those were fleeting moments. As I said, this movie takes the concept of vampires and presents it in an incredibly fun, wildly different, and thoroughly enjoyable way. Oh, and I mustn’t forget to mention—the movie also portrays werewolves in an equally hilarious light. Don’t miss that detail, as it’s another gem. In summary, you’re about to watch one of the most entertaining, absurd, and downright brilliant movies I’ve seen recently. It had me hooked with its charm, humor, and quirky storytelling. Once you’ve watched it, don’t forget to drop your thoughts in the comments below—I’m genuinely curious to hear what you think. Enjoy! 🧛‍♂️🐺😂




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