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For years, I’ve watched this movie four or five times, and I’ve always loved it. I hesitated to recommend it here because it’s “so well-known,” but after conducting a small survey, I discovered that many people haven’t even heard of it. So, let’s take a closer look at this gem of a movie. Based on true events and real people, the movie tells the story of a socially awkward, introverted, and freshly minted doctor who starts working at a hospital due to staff shortages. Our protagonist becomes captivated by patients who have been living like ghosts for years and dedicates himself entirely to finding a cure for them. And we, the viewers, bear witness to this extraordinary journey. First, I must say this: De Niro delivers what I consider his best performance in this movie. The passion for medicine, the dedication to a profession, and the sheer effort are all portrayed with incredible depth. The atmosphere of the movie successfully transports the audience straight back to the 1990s, immersing them in its rich emotional landscape. If you’re one of the few who haven’t seen this movie yet, I highly recommend setting aside some time to watch it with a clear mind as soon as possible. And if you’ve already seen it, let’s meet in the comments to discuss. Enjoy! 🎥✨